Child Custody (730) Evaluations

Dr. Napolitano has provided child-custody evaluations since 1995. Child custody or “730” evaluations frequently are ordered by a family court judge to determine a family structure that best suits a child’s interest. Through the evaluation process, Dr. Napolitano assesses the psychological status of the child and parents to help determine the best family structure in the face of many potential areas of contention and dispute. These areas include parental disagreement, child special needs, alienation, substance abuse, mental illness, relocation requests and abuse or domestic violence allegations.

Case Consultant

Dr. Napolitano can be retained by lawyers to assist with understanding the complex psychological elements of a custody case as well as to assess the salient issues in a Child Custody Evaluation report.


Dr. Napolitano can assist psychologists gaining expertise in the area of Child Custody Evaluations by either having them materially assist in an evaluation or providing consultation services related to complex family issues, relocation challenges, case conceptualization, report writing and trial preparation.


Child Custody Evaluations, Risk Assessments, Child Forensic Interviews and Expert Testimony.